Folded Hands Emoji - Emojipedia
Two hands placed firmly together, meaning please or thank you in Japanese culture. A common alternative use for this emoji is for prayer, using the same gesture as praying hands. It can also represent a respectful greeting or show of adoration many in Southeast Asian religions and cultures, such as the Hindu namaste or Buddhist añjali mudra.
What Does The Folded Hands Emoji Mean? [Emojiology]
Apr 26, 2019 · Depicting two hands pressed together and fingers pointed up, 🙏 Folded Hands is variously used as a gesture of prayer (religious or secular), thanks, request, and greeting as well to express such sentiments as hope, praise, gratitude, reverence, and respect. It is only occasionally applied as a high five, often in reference to the "high five ...
Palms Up Together Emoji - Emojipedia
Two hands held out together with open palms facing up, in a slightly cupped manner, as if expecting an object to be placed within them. May also be used to represent an open book in American Sign Language (ASL), or the gesture used by followers of Islam when praying.
Folded Hands on Apple iOS 11.2 - Emojipedia
Dec 1, 2017 · Two hands placed firmly together, meaning please or thank you in Japanese culture. A common alternative use for this emoji is for praye...
Raising Hands Emoji - Emojipedia
Two hands raised in the air, celebrating success or another joyous event. Originally animated to show hands being raised, as might be done along with the the exclamation Banzai! in Japan. Now more commonly only shows the hands in the air.
祈り Emoji - Emojipedia
Two hands placed firmly together, meaning please or thank you in Japanese culture. A common alternative use for this emoji is for prayer, using the same gesture as praying hands. It can also represent a respectful greeting or show of adoration many in Southeast Asian religions and cultures, such as the Hindu namaste or Buddhist añjali mudra.
Heart Hands: Medium-Dark Skin Tone Emoji - Emojipedia
Two hands forming a heart shape. Used to express love and support. This emoji currently showns the heart being made through two hands being curved into a C-shape with their thumbs touching. This is stereotypically referred to as the "Millennial Hand Heart".
Heart Hands Emoji - Emojipedia
This emoji currently showns the heart being made through two hands being curved into a C-shape with their thumbs touching. This is stereotypically referred to as the "Millennial Hand Heart". Heart Hands was approved as part of Unicode 14.0 in 2021 and added to Emoji 14.0 in 2021.
Folded Hands: Dark Skin Tone Emoji - Emojipedia
The Folded Hands: Dark Skin Tone emoji is a modifier sequence combining 🙏 Folded Hands and 🏿 Dark Skin Tone. These display as a single emoji on supported platforms.
Folded Hands on Apple iOS 16.4 - Emojipedia
Mar 26, 2023 · Two hands placed firmly together, meaning please or thank you in Japanese culture. A common alternative use for this emoji is for praye...