如何评价索尼新发布的WH-1000XM4 头戴式降噪耳机? - 知乎
Aug 6, 2020 · 没想到Sony就这么静悄悄地发布了WH-1000XM4, 原本以为有什么黑科技突破,原来只是小改款。 那么1000XM4 相比1000XM3 究竟升级了什么呢? 外观: 无明显变化;Logo 从 WH-1000XM3 换成 WH-1000XM4了(big change);
Sony WH-1000XM4 for Gaming? : r/HeadphoneAdvice - Reddit
I made the mistake of buying the XM2's for wireless gaming, without doing enough research. This sony line is terrible for wireless gaming due to the latency being atrocious, worse than many other BT devices. You want headphones with AptX LL or AptX adaptive, or a proprietary wifi dongle, otherwise youll need to use a cord.
WF-1000XM4 - Severe Battery Issues : r/SonyHeadphones - Reddit
Feb 14, 2024 · Essentially, Sony may have had a supply issue with the new model of batteries they wanted to use in the XM4 and ended up using the same batteries as the XM3. When the supply issues eased and they transitioned to the new batteries, a firmware update optimized for the increased voltage of the new batteries permanently damaged the earbuds using ...
Sennheiser M4 vs Sony XM5 (or XM4) : r/sennheiser - Reddit
Nov 17, 2022 · Then i saw m4 also. I wasn't thinking of buying m4. When i tried it with rip tide song, i was thinking, what the xxxx is this sound. Much cleaner, detailed, bassier, warmer sound than both Sony's. And anc was very close to xm4, which is amazing but sony have some cabin pressure. And when i saw a discount on m4, i bought it without any hesitation.
Sony WH-1000XM4 cutting out : r/SonyHeadphones - Reddit
Sep 25, 2021 · Me too. My pair of XM4 headphones keep bleeping and cutting out for 10 to 15 seconds. Resetting them by holding both buttons down for a few seconds while charging seems to effect a cure for a few days then the problem returns. …
r/sony on Reddit: WH-1000XM4 stutters and is not usable on a PC, …
Oct 16, 2020 · Well almost, the left earphone has some sort of hiss which sounds like the noise cancellation is a touch too aggressive, but weirdly only on the left side. It's really only apparent if the sound is low. I've installed the Sony app and made sure to check that the connection should be the priority as suggested on Sony's site.
Dolby Atmos on WH-1000XM4 : r/SonyHeadphones - Reddit
Jun 14, 2021 · An unofficial subreddit for everything related to Sony's BRAVIA series of televisions. Sony neither endorses nor participates in this subreddit. All submissions, comments and information exchanged here is strictly user to user and should not be considered as representative of Sony or any of its products.
Best Replacement Pads for WH-1000XM4 : r/SonyHeadphones
Jun 29, 2023 · Dekoni Audio XM4 Suede Pads: Dekoni Choice Suede replacement earpads for the Sony XM4 Noise Cancelling Headphones (dekoniaudio.com) Buying from the distributor would be my final bet, for both affordability and quality. Eventually for my XM4's I'll buy the left and right pads from encompass.com, which only costs $17 per pad for me. I'm assuming ...
Sony WH-1000XM4 with the PS5? : r/PS5 - Reddit
I don't know if the XM4 has the same limitation but I have the XM3 and you cannot use the mic in wired mode. This is a bizarre limitation that truly baffles me. Sony itself makes wireless headsets that cost less than $100 and the mic works in wired mode. Meanwhile their $350 premium wireless set does not.
Bose QC45 vs Sony WH-1000XM4 : r/bose - Reddit
Jan 17, 2023 · The XM4 can definitely provide a larger bass region if you are looking for that. The 45 at stock have significantly less bass than the 35, but you can bump it up in the app. The QC45 app is pretty inferior compared to the Sony app, not …