DAWNsat - Provider of Satellite and Fiber Optic communication …
Provider of commercial satellite and fiber optic communication products, including: satellite antenna, analog and MPEG2 satellite receiver, C band LNB, Ku band LNB, feedhorn, TI filter, L band matrix switcher, spectrum analyzer, modulator, processor, off air antenna. Call 248-391-9200 for knowledgeable help and full product catalog.
CLNB, +/-5 Khz 3.4-4.2 Ghz P/N CLNB20-PL05J - DAWNsat
Mini C Band LNB for optimum performance with HD digital sat receivers. Mini housing for less weight and stress on feedhorn (big advantage when CLNB is stacked onto filter). Best stability rating of +/- 5 KHz, and low noise temp for improved signal quality. 3.4-4.2Ghz input at CPR229G flange, converted to 950-1750 output on 75 Ohm "F" style ...
Antenna, sat 3.7m fixd azEl, 4 petals (PN: D37F48-4PC-5.5)
Most popular stationary 3.7 meter satellite antenna. Aluminum 4 petal dish for fast-shipping and easy assembly. Strong AzEl mount attaches to 5.5" OD pipe extending 60" above surface.
Dawn Satellite Questions
Download DAWN-link Newsletter: Surge supressor for lightning near LNB cable - protect against lightning surg on ... Filter, Bandpass 4000-4200 Mhz Phase2 SHORT - BandPass Filter Short Model: $469.00 Cbandpass2-40004200S: Antenna, sat 3.7m fixd azEl, 4 petals - best gain 42.3dB **Call for BEST price: $2,998.00 D37F48-4PC-5.5: Actuator & motor ...
Meter, FLEXtest Signal Level base unit (PN: FLEXtest-BaseXR3)
Ê#FLEXtest-SAT, Module for testing and measuring North American C and Ku band commercial satellites. Perfect for broadcasters that want to boost signal quality several dB, using meter to peak satellite antennas (dishes) to perfection. See satellite name, plus precise C/N & signal level feedback for every adjustment. Powers LNB using internal ...
Dawn Satellite Questions
Download DAWN-link Newsletter: Gasket, C band 1/2 thick, RF-Blocking - Blocks RF and moisture from entering: $79.00 RF-SuperShield-Chalf: ... $459.00 Cbandpass2-40004200e: Antenna, sat 3.7m fixd azEl, 4 petals - best gain 42.3dB **Call for BEST price: $2,819.00 D37F48-4PC-5.5: Antenna, sat 4.2m AZel fixed, PrimFoc, 8petal - 8petal alum ...
LNB,C band 20 Degree, +/- 05 Khz 3.4-4.2 Ghz (PN: CLNB20-PL05D)
C Band LNB for optimum performance with HD digital sat receivers, and other high data rate applications. Best stability rating of +/- 5 KHz, with 1dB Gain Compression of +10dBm. 3.4-4.2Ghz input at CPR229G flange, converted to 950-1750 output on 75 Ohm "F" style connector. Phase Lock Loop (PLL) design with Low Noise Temperature.
any sat, with perfect peaking. PuchSep: controller, feed, LNBs, pad. Perfect peaking with actuator arm based dual axis drive. Commercial grade sat antenna, 1pc reflector for easy install. Fits on 5.5”OD pipe. PuchSep: controller, 1-ActArm, feed, LNBs, pad. BETTER 2-axis MOTORIZED using 2 actuators 3.7 meter #D37P-MD $3369 most popular size,
¥ Typically 3.7 meter sat antennas mount onto a 5.5 inch OD pipe. ! ¥ Typically 4.2 meter sat antennas mount onto a 6.6 inch OD pipe.! ¥ PIPE MUST BE FILLED WITH CONCRETE! ¥ Post must be plumb Reasonable prices, priceless reasoning. Base Post in Concrete ¥ Pad Preparation Preparation of in-ground base post to support a satellite antenna.
Decode MPEG2/4 & DVB-S2 channels, SAT or IP input RECEIVER-DECODER for HD & SD Output: a/v, ASI, SDI, HDSDI Dual Channel High and Standard Def MPEG 2 encoder with built-in QAM modulator and agile RF up- converter. Auto detects two channels of high definition video and PCM or Compressed Dolby audio via HDMI 1.3. see page 5 SD & HD Decoder #D5502 ...