The Boondocks – The Fundraiser (Fuck You Speech) | Genius
Jun 13, 2010 · A scene from season 3 episode 7 called “Fundraiser”. Riley decides to make money and start dealing chocolate, under the influence of several gang movies.
The Boondocks – The Fundraiser Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
Jun 13, 2010 · The Fundraiser Lyrics: People call me The Fund-raiser / They call me that 'cause that's what I do / I raise funds / I get my money up / The first rule of fundraising is don't give …
The Fundraiser | The Boondocks Information Center | Fandom
Jun 13, 2010 · After Robert Freeman buys some and leaves, Riley asks her how she got him (Granddad) to buy candy and she mentions the school fundraiser. RIley is confused at first but …
Riley Freeman - The Fund-Raiser - YouTube
Riley Freeman - The BoondocksNo Copyright intended
Riley Freeman | The Boondocks Wiki | Fandom
In the episode, "The Fundraiser", Cindy becomes a business partner of Riley's and helped him and Jazmine. She used her stereotypical ignorant kid image to sell large amounts of chocolate …
"The Boondocks" The Fund-Raiser (TV Episode 2010) - IMDb
Jun 13, 2010 · The Fund-Raiser: Directed by Sung Dae Kim, Jae-Myung Yoo, Seung Eun Kim, Kim Sung-hoon. With Regina King, John Witherspoon, Cedric Yarbrough, Gary Anthony …
The Fund-Raiser - S3 EP6 - The Boondocks - Adult Swim
Riley becomes the maligned target of gay rights groups after he calls his classmate "gay." In these sensitive times when everyone is offended by everything, Riley really has to watch what …
The Boondocks s03e07 Episode Script | SS - Springfield! Springfield!
The first rule of fundraising is don't give nothin' to nobody -- period. No charities, no homeless people, salvation army, red cross, starvin' africans, nothin'. You can't be raising funds and …
Riley's Outrageous Fundraising Scheme | The Boondocks - YouTube
Join us as we unveil Riley Freeman's unconventional and uproarious fundraising secrets in this hilarious clip from The Boondocks. Get ready for some laughter...
The Boondocks - S3 E7: "The Fundraiser" Recap - TV Tropes
"The Fundraiser" is the 7th episode of the 3rd season of The Boondocks, and the 37th episode overall. It originally aired on June 13, 2010. After seeing Jazmine and his other classmates sell …