Allen B. DuMont - Wikipedia
Allen Balcom DuMont, also spelled Du Mont, (January 29, 1901 – November 14, 1965) was an American electronics engineer, scientist and inventor who improved the cathode-ray tube in 1931 for use in television receivers. Seven years later he manufactured and sold the first commercially practical television set to the public.
Allen B. DuMont | Television, Electronics, Physics | Britannica
Allen B. DuMont was an American engineer who perfected the first commercially practical cathode-ray tube, which was not only vitally important for much scientific and technical equipment but was the essential component of the modern television receiver.
Allen B. DuMont - Early Television
Born in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., 29 January 1901. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, B.S. in electrical engineering 1924. Married: Ethel; children: Allen B.,Jr., and Yvonne.
Dr. Allen Balcom DuMont, 1901-1965 - Baird Television
Dr. Allen Balcom DuMont (American) (1901 – 1965) DuMont was an American scientist, inventor, and broadcaster best known for improvements to the cathode ray tube for use in television receivers (beginning in 1931), and later as the founder of the DuMont television network.
DuMont Laboratories - MIT Museum
The Allen B. DuMont Laboratories was an electronics manufacturing company founded in 1931 in Montclair, NJ by Allen B. DuMont to sell his improved version of the cathode ray tube. Along with selling CRTs, the company began selling oscilloscopes in 1934 In 1938, the company developed the first all-electronic television set for the commercial market.
Allen B. DuMont: A Short Biography - RF Cafe
Allen B. DuMont, a pivotal figure in the early days of television and electronics, was born on January 29, 1901, in Brooklyn, New York. His contributions to the advancement of television technology, particularly through his work on cathode-ray tubes, and the founding of the DuMont Television Network, left a lasting mark on the broadcasting ...
Allen B. DuMont Citation - Radio Club of America
Allen B. Dumont, inventor and entrepreneur, founded Allen B. Dumont Laboratories and developed the modern oscilloscope for the measurement and study of wave forms. He made significant contributions to the development of the cathode ray tube used in television receivers and manufactured and sold the first practical television set to the public.
Allen B. Dumont (1901–1965) - Bairdtelevision.com
Allen B. DuMont was an American scientist, inventor and broadcaster best known for improvements to the cathode ray tube for use in television receivers (beginning in 1931), and later as the founder of the DuMont television network.
About: Allen B. DuMont - DBpedia Association
Allen Balcom DuMont, also spelled Du Mont, (January 29, 1901 – November 14, 1965) was an American electronics engineer, scientist and inventor best known for improvements to the cathode ray tube in 1931 for use in television receivers.
Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories, Inc | People | The Collection of ...
After supervising tube production at Westinghouse from 1924, Allen B. DuMont founded his company in 1931 in Montclair, New Jersey. It was known as the Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc. In 1932, DuMont invented the "Magic Eye" cathode ray tube and sold rights to RCA.