世界経済フォーラムの年次総会(ダボス会議)に集まった欧州のエリートたちは、全て順調だと何年間も主張してきた後で、何もかもがひどいという点で一致した。ドナルド・トランプ米大統領による関税の脅し、規制緩和を巡る米国の熱気、さらに長年の成長停滞が重なり、欧 ...
インド政府はポップコーンの課税について、3つの階層からなる制度を説明した。それは「包装されているか、いないか」、「ブランド名が記載されているか、ノーブランドか」、「塩味か、甘いか」で税率が決まる。政府の12月の説明によると、カラメルポップコーンの税率 ...
New plan doesn’t spell out if he would support allowing Palestinians to eventually govern their own state.
The president, calling the heavily bombed enclave “a demolition site,” proposed relocating Palestinians temporarily or ...
Two centuries of experience proves the economic foolishness of taxing imports.
Conservative Pierre Poilievre has a plan for revival but needs an election first.
Spotify’s perfect playlists come at a hidden cost—for the fans, for the music scenes that form around bands and, especially, for the musicians.
Google’s new building is on one side, ‘Post No Bills’ on the other.
Take a page from the playbook of Reagan and Treasury Secretary James Baker, who managed to douse the ‘prairie fire’ of ...
He’s made millions from referring clients to trial lawyers, and he advocates mass tort litigation that would ruin the vaccine ...
New director Ratcliffe releases a judgment Biden had kept secret.
Border taxes on imports from Canada will slow rebuilding in Los Angeles and North Carolina.