The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, has described the Russian drone strike on the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant's confinement structure as a "very ...
Ensuring there are external power supplies for nuclear plants is a key safety issue, International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said as he visited a substation in ...
Öeldakse, et lumikelluke pistab nina välja juba siis, kui talv alles esimesi kohvreid pakib. Talvine lumekupp, lumeroos ehk seatubakas ja lumikellukesed on juba kuu aega Kullamaa kandis päid sirutanud ...
Eelmisel reedel veidi peale 15 sai häirekeskus teate liiklusõnnetusest Türi vallas Türi-Alliku külas Pärnu-Rakvere-Sõmeru tee 81. kilomeetril. Politsei pressiesindaja ütles, et maanteel põrkasid kokku ...
IAEA Chief, in Kyiv, Warns of Nuclear Risk From Attacks on Ukraine Grid KYIV (Reuters) -International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi arrived in Kyiv on Tuesday and inspected an ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Celebrity chef Guy Grossi has told staff that “some c---s” were making it hard for him to enjoy his work following allegations ...
Vabariigi presidendi kantselei siseosakonna juhataja, EELK Haapsalu püha Johannese koguduse liige Erki Holmberg pälvis Eesti apostlik-õigeusu kiriku kõrge autasu, püha Platoni III klassi ordeni. Orden ...
IAEA head Grossi says substations critical to Ukraine's grid Grossi to visit Russia later this week President issues new appeal to return occupied Zaporizhzhia plant to Ukrainian hands KYIV ...
Guy Grossi, the restaurateur and celebrity chef most known for his Melbourne venues – including ‘Grossi Florentino’ and ‘Ombra Salumi’ – has apologised after allegations he groped a ...
Phoebe Rizzoli was excited after landing a job at fine-dining institution Grossi Florentino. “I felt like I’d made it,” she says of getting a spot at the glamorous restaurant just a few hund ...
Eilsel Türi vallavolikogu istungil andis volikogu liige Pipi-Liis Siemann üle kirjaliku ettepaneku alustada Paide ja Järva vallaga läbirääkimisi uue sihtasutuse moodustamiseks, mis täidaks kohalikele ...
Guy Grossi, the chef behind Melbourne venues including Grossi Florentino and Ombra Salumi, and the face of Brisbane’s Settimo, has apologised after allegedly groping a female journalist at an industry ...