Bengaluru Jawans and Pune United registered commanding wins to qualify for the semifinals of the World Pickleball League (WPBL) here on Thursday. Bengaluru Jawans recorded a 4-1 victory over Mumbai ...
According to officials, the Sod Poodles are set to return to Hodgetown on April 8 as they take on the Springfield Cardinals ...
Pickleball is taking over the United States - and most of the world - but there's still plenty of time to get involved. A big part of pickleball's success is how easy it is for everyone - from kids to ...
We paid our first visit to the Bosse Sports Lounge at Natick Mall on Wednesday night to catch the Celtics game against a backdrop of pickleball play. The 100,000 sq. […] ...
A Pi Day dinner is a unique opportunity to celebrate the mathematical constant π (pi) while indulging in delicious food and ...
Michelob ULTRA’s fun new spot, “The ULTRA Hustle”, stars Academy Award nominee Willem Dafoe and Emmy Award winner Catherine O’Hara, as pickleball players who are not quite what they seem to be, with ...
TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) - The Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) is coming to Tucson. Fans have a chance to watch and play with the best players in the world, including one U of A alum. "I went to ...
Tennis is facing an unexpected challenger. Not from within, but from a game that was once considered a backyard pastime.
Located in Smithville, Texas, you can find the word "Luecke" named after the landowner of the farm, called the Leucke Farm.
A popular pickleball facility in Encinitas is making its courts quieter after noise complaints led to a notice of a city code ...
LARGO — With a background playing and coaching professional tennis and pickleball, Pinellas County native Brandon Anandan ...