反贪会或将传召前教育部长马哈基尔和慕尤丁,协助调查一个精明网络项目(1BestariNet)的案件。 据知情人士透露,除了同样曾担任教育部长的前首相慕尤丁,马哈基尔也名列调查单位的传召名单中。
The Lebanese Health Ministry announced Wednesday that the death toll from Israeli attacks on Lebanon has risen to 2,119, with ...
Polis akan memanggil media antarabangsa Bloomberg untuk membantu siasatan berhubung kenyataan bekas ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT ...
The police will summon Bloomberg over a statement by former Umno supreme council member Isham Jalil. Kuala Lumpur police ...
巫统最高理事卜艾表示,若没有“荒谬方案”搅局,希盟和国阵合作模式有望在第16届大选中,取得巨大胜利。 卜艾今日在面子书发文说,团结政府目前的挑战是,该联盟能否延续或仅执政一届。
“Adakah PM lebih tinggi dari undang-undang?” soal Rajesh Nagarajan dan Sachpreetraj Singh. Peguam kepada ahli perniagaan dan ...
Kapal yang membawa pelatih berkenaan dalam perjalanan dari China menuju ke Bangladesh sebelum berlabuh seketika di Pulau ...
The inspector-general of police (IGP) must explain why the police are not investigating Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for ...
《阳光日报》报道,吉隆坡总警长鲁斯迪(Rusdi Mohd Isa)今日在蕉赖警区总部记者会上表示,反贪会已就依山呼吁安华起诉《彭博社》的言论而报警。
本案副检察司为玛志亚(Maziah Mohaide),邦莫达和芝芝的代表律师为迪慕兰(M Athimulan)和古玛仁登(K Kumaraendran)。
The natural resources and environmental sustainability minister said Malaysia will focus on climate finance at the conference ...