Hydrogen nano-clusters at low temperatures display ‘superfluidity’—a quantum state of frictionless flow only previously ...
Plants play a key role in regulating Earth’s climate, but recent research suggests that rising temperatures could disrupt ...
Are you entering your first year at UBC Science? Are you a transfer student—from a different faculty or institution? Visit here for steps to guide you through your first year at UBC. Students apply ...
A chemical vital to the self-supporting nature of land plants--and thought unique to them--has been found in marine algae by a team of researchers including scientists at UBC and Stanford University.
Jellyfish are increasing in the majority of the world's coastal ecosystems, according to the first global study of jellyfish abundance by University of British Columbia researchers. In a study ...
UBC botanists have placed seaweed in the underwater equivalent of a wind tunnel to get a better idea of how different types of algae withstand the onslaught of strong waves and currents. The findings, ...
Humans play a far greater role in the fate of African elephants than habitat, and human conflict in particular has a devastating impact on these largest terrestrial animals, according to a new ...
The loss of large predator animals across the globe is having unanticipated impacts on processes as diverse as human disease dynamics, wildfires and biogeochemical cycles, according to new research by ...
Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Harvard University have co-developed a system that captures on video and barcodes the behavioral responses of zebrafish to chemical compounds on ...
A well-established family of drugs used to treat parasitic diseases is showing surprising potential as a therapy for tuberculosis (TB), according to new research from University of British Columbia ...