In a tragic incident, Mahesh Kothe, a leader from Sharad Pawar-led (NCP-SP) died in Prayagraj after taking a holy dip. The incident took place when the 60-year-old leader went to attend shahi snan at ...
Sharad Pawar's party leader Mahesh Kothe (60) suffered a heart attack while taking a holy dip at the triveni confluence in ...
Mumbai: Former Solapur mayor and NCP (SP) leader Mahesh Kothe, aged 60, died after suffering a heart attack while taking a ...
Kolhapur: Mahesh Vishnupant Kothe, a prominent leader of the NCP(SP) and former mayor of Solapur Municipal Corporation, passed away on Tuesday morning after suffering a heart attack at the Mahakumbh ...
Mahesh Kothe, former Solapur mayor and NCP (SP) leader, died from a heart attack while taking a holy dip at the Triveni ...
Mahesh Kothe, former Solapur mayor and NCP (SP) leader, died of a heart attack while taking a holy dip at the Triveni ...
Mahesh Vishnupant Kothe, the former Mayor of the Municipal Corporation and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader, passed away from a heart attack in Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh as he was attending ...
Mahesh Kothe, former mayor of Solapur, passed away at 60 after suffering a heart attack during a holy dip at Prayagraj's Triveni Sangam. Despite swift medical attention, he was declared dead. Kothe ...
Kolhapur: Former mayor of Solapur and NCP (SP) politician Mahesh Kothe died of heart attack following Shahi Snan in the Ganga during the Maha Kumbh at.
Mahesh Kothe had unsuccessfully contested the November 20 Assembly elections from Solapur (North) against BJP's Vijay ...
Former Solapur mayor and Sharad Pawar-led Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mahesh Kothe died after he suffered a heart attack while taking a holy dip at the triveni confluence in Prayagraj on ...
Former Solapur mayor and NCP (SP) leader Mahesh Kothe died after he suffered a heart attack while taking a holy dip at the triveni confluence in Prayagraj on Tuesday, his aide said.