Sundered Doctrine is Destiny 2's newest dungeon, and was released during Episode Heresy. In this dungeon, you'll delve into ...
You can try a variety of things, but only two items work. When you've thrown something in, a Great Fairy will appear and ask you if you threw in an item -- be honest and tell her Yes. She will ...
you need to get farm for summoning materials before you can challenge them. These materials are: Tormented bosses drop Unique items based on specific loot tables in Diablo 4. If you're looking to ...
The Inn is a place where Link can hang out and get information, but there's an important secret here that's admittedly not so easily missed. When standing at the counter, you can see that there's ...
There are tons of different items and resources in "Terraria" that have different uses and benefits ... On the other hand, Luminite can be acquired by defeating the game's Moon Lord boss. While it is ...
Defeating the Magma Titan could reward players with rare items, like a Molten Core ... Covered in vines and flowers, this boss could summon swarms of smaller plant monsters to attack players.
Fortunately, there are many things that you can prepare and do that will make the boss fight much more bearable, even taking into account the Deathsquitoes that can appear. This guide provides a ...
Minecraft announced that as a Lunar New Year special, it will be adding some cool free items for its players ... He will use lightning attacks and summon mobs. Once his health drops to half ...
It details all the key items, mandatory boss battles, mandatory NPCs, and more. To keep it spoiler-free, we have decided not to name any bosses or NPCs, but you should check on this list to see ...
The Reindeer Bells were the first item in Terraria to summon a mount ... the Reindeer Bells by defeating the most challenging side boss of the Frost Moon event, the Ice Queen, who appears from ...