Montreal Canadiens forward Patrik Laine is going through a rough patch. He is the least-used forward by head coach Martin St.
The Montreal Canadiens acquired Patrik Laine this offseason from the Columbus Blue Jackets. The Canadiens traded defenseman ...
There is an old-fashioned saying, "bite your tongue seven times before speaking." Perhaps Patrik Laine should have taken that advice.
Credit: Patrik Laine has not found the back of the net in his last six games. He finished his last four games in the negatives. After experiencing great moments at the start with the club, he hit rock ...
Habs forward Patrik Laine’s fiancee Jordan Leigh took a trip to Florida where she lodged at The Breakers luxury hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Leigh celebrated her 27th birthday there and shared ...
Patrik Laine is at the center of several criticisms right now. And it’s not just the fact that he hasn’t scored in his last six games that is concerning. It’s more about the way he behaves on the ice.
Suomalaishyökkääjä Patrik Laine sai hyvän alun uralleen NHL:n legendaarisimmassa joukkueessa Montreal Canadiensissa, mutta sitten hän on palannut arkeen. Laine on pelannut jo kahdeksan ottelua putkeen ...
Kaikilla Montreal Canadiensia seuraavilla on mielipide Patrik Laineesta. Nyt suunsa avasi seuran pitkäaikainen ... Nyt on kuitenkin aika miettiä, mitä me teemme Laineella. Laine aloitti kauden ...
We know what the problem is with Patrik Laine. The guy has all the skills necessary to be one of the best players in the ...
Montreal Canadiens coach Martin St. Louis sent a strong message after benching forward Patrik Laine during Sunday's loss to the Anaheim Ducks. Laine was benched for the entire third period ...
Ensin Patrik Laine hurmasi Montreal Canadiensin ja takoi maaleja ottelusta toiseen. Sitten verkkojen heiluminen loppui, ja nyt laitahyökkääjä on pelannut neljä ottelua peräkkäin ilman tehoja.
Montreal Canadiensin päävalmentaja Martin St. Louis ei ollut viime sunnuntaina Anaheimia vastaan pelatussa ottelussa tyytyväinen näkemäänsä ja penkitti Patrik Laineen käytännössä koko päätöserän ...