Critical shortages can be found in nearly all of Oklahoma’s health care professions and those shortages are intensified in ...
Students held signs and chanted statements reflecting equality in the workforce.
Isaac Davila had his first day of work as a patient care technician at University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical ...
While lip service is paid to the essential role of nurses, not enough attention is devoted to what nurses really do. That needs to change and investment must come with ...
Federal student loan borrowers facing rising tuition costs and unexpected lawsuits on repayment plans have turned to their communities for help paying college costs.
Applying to college and sticking to a major are some of the hardest choices a girl makes in her young life. Here is some ...
STEM backgrounds. Here's how schools are changing to help educate people.
The COVID-19 pandemic that began 5 years ago caused changes that still are felt today in our politics, schools, hospitals, ...
Through the month of February, 25 News and 15ABC highlighted those who changed and continue to change our community.
Sue Armstrong Sue Armstrong, a resident of , New Mexico since 1945, died February 13, 2025. She was 91 years of age. She is survived by her children, Carla Arnold and David Sieger; her ...
People don’t really expect us to come from low-income houses to win a national championships, but we know the talent that we ...
Lake Michigan College will host a roundtable discussion on women’s health issues this coming week. The engagement, held ...