These could be signs of hearing conditions you should know about. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2050, ...
Background: Acute otitis media (AOM) often occurs as a complication of upper respiratory tract infection (URI). Objective: To describe otoscopic findings during URI, the full clinical spectrum of ...
this is from a blocked ear tube (eustachian tube). This tube normally drains the space behind the eardrum. It is usually not caused by an ear infection. Here is some care advice that should help.
Emerging infectious diseases are infections that have recently appeared within a population or those whose incidence or geographic range is rapidly increasing or threatens to increase in the near ...
Q. My very experienced cardiologist noted recently that for many patients, including me, losing weight improves many heart health issues. It really doesn’t matter how the weight loss happens, as ...
Symptoms of low magnesium levels (hypomagnesemia) include fatigue, muscle weakness and cramping, nausea, low appetite, abnormal heartbeat, and mood changes. This deficiency can be hard to detect until ...
Definition. Bacterial infection of the umbilical stump with spread to the skin around it. It's a medical emergency. How Often. 1 out of 200 newborns. Symptoms. Redness spreads around the navel. The ...
Indian Council of Medical Research—National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai 600 077, India ...