Plant easy-to-grow canna lilies for a tropical punch of summer color. Here are 15 varieties experts love. You can plant them ...
Fill your flower beds and garden pots with these new annual flower varieties for colorful blooms all season long.
The Capets family of Murrysville has a positive relationship with bamboo, a grass native to the Asian continent that grows tall and spreads quickly. They've been using it for more than a decade to ...
Now is the time to get ahead on your gardening, and according to a horticultural expert, these are the bulbs that will bloom ...
These gorgeous low-maintenance container plant ideas will help you beautify almost any outdoor space. Plus, get creative ...
As to pruning, fronds that are still partially green should be left on the palm. They continue to photosynthesize and provide ...
About 2 ounces of marijuana harvested from four Zpectrum plants were of buds large and pretty enough to be packaged in Alien ...
That lines up with the average last spring freeze date for the Atlanta area, but the latest freeze on record did occur on ...
Spring and summer months mean there are gardening tasks to be done. However, with the help of Monty Don, taking care of your ...
The racks of spring-planted bulbs, bare root plants and tubers show up in box stores and garden shops each spring. Colorful ...