As the forest changes, the deer change their trails. If a big tree falls, the deer travel around it. They don’t usually go ...
The Hinkley buck, tagged in Maine in 1955, was possibly the biggest whitetail ever killed at the time, and certainly in Maine ...
A whitetail buck needs antlers ... head and don’t over-pressure deer when they have their lowest energy reserves (in March), especially if it’s been a harsh winter. (And be sure to check ...
Did that big buck make it? That’s what many wildlife watchers and deer hunters want to know as winter ends. Did the buck they were watching make it through the season? Finding an antler can answer ...
Assuming the buck’s other antler taped 75 and that he had a decent ... He’s also a long-time mule deer chaser and shed hunter. “Mule deer winter in bush-and-shrub habitats,” says Wait. “This means ...
Walking in the woods and along the field lines, you never know what you or your dog may find — maybe even an antler that a ...
Did that big buck make it? That’s what many wildlife watchers and deer hunters want to know as winter ends. Did the buck they were watching make it through the season? Finding an antler can ...
you never know what you or your dog may find — maybe even an antler that a nice buck recently dropped. White-tailed deer shed their antlers over late winter and finding these unique pieces of ...