Autumn is a wonderful time of year. It keeps a wildlife photographer and nature nut like myself very busy. Our extra mild fall weather has extended my wildlife photography season and has made it ...
Most afternoons, drivers zipping over the Bloomington Ferry Bridge have company. Wild turkeys dot the roadside, lolling casually at the road edge as rush-hour traffic cruises by. Bill Penning, ...
The buds and catkins of eastern hophornbeam are an important winter food source for the ruffed grouse bird, with the nuts being a secondary food in the fall. It is also a preferred food source for ...
However, by the time most people come into contact with turkeys, they are featherless and have just spent a few hours in the oven. Usually, those turkeys have lived a wild life before Thanksgiving.
If you live in Michigan and walk around in the woods in the spring, you’ve heard the beautiful sound of the Eastern turkey.
(WSET) — The Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center is well known for taking in all sorts of animals rescued from the wild ... Eastern Spotted Skunk. The rare animal is listed as a Tier IV Species ...