Ten feet below, icy black water, full of awful things, surged on to the Hudson. Once this sewer had been an open ... Minutes passed like hours. Rats were swimming and thrashing all about me.
You'll start to see some rats once you get to the ... Market's lower zone and find the hidden sewer area. Once you're there, after crossing the first few water portions of the map, you'll be ...
Florida's sewer systems have been playing host to alligators ... While the movement of rats throughout underground systems is well-studied, the patterns of other animals — who use the tunnels ...
but it still increased the water and sewer rates more than it has done in its decade-long history. The pressure was enough that Great Lakes Water Authority officials decreased the proposed water ...
"Most of the reptiles were found at sites where water held for over ... Other animals spotted in the sewer system included possums, armadillos, cats, squirrels, black rats, egrets, wrens, and ...