The Environment Agency is asking farmers to take greater measures to protect their land.
The justices ruled that the agency cannot impose generic prohibitions against violating water quality standards.
Farmers are always looking for smarter ways to boost crop health, and one of the industry's latest game-changers is ...
Testing air, soil, water and dust The study aims to change ... 15 monitoring locations throughout Los Angeles County to track pollution levels over time, with a focus on helping residents ...
Joe Nester, Lucas County Engineer’s Office and Greene Soil & Water Conservation District were honored with the H2Ohio ...
"This matter is urgent. Fish are dying. The situation has to be halted, and penalize the responsible contractor." ...
The first International Soil and Water Forum opened this ... droughts and floods, and pollution - the four elements of water that together compose the global mapping of water,” he added.
Conventional fertilizers are typically applied to the soil as either ... down into the water table, or evaporates up into the atmosphere. The former results in waterway pollution and toxic events ...
Run-off can result in action being taken if it breaches the Farming Rules for Water and Environmental Permitting Regulations ...
The Environment Agency has called on farmers in Devon and Cornwall to take action against soil erosion after pollution incidents ... Residents who see discoloured water running off farm fields ...