Many otherworldly deep-sea creatures, though, are so beautiful and mysterious that you won't believe they exist. Even in the ...
Indeed, sea lions are among the noisiest of sea creatures, letting out barks, grunts, growls, whines and clicks that all carry meaning. Male sea lions, for example, generate distinctive ...
But some insects and animals call the seaside home all year round, like crabs rushing along the sand, fish swimming in the sea and seagulls flying through the sky.
Look, here comes a blobfish! This thrilling deep-sea fish was voted the world's ugliest animal by the Ugly Animal Preservation Society. But its jelly-like skin looks much more natural at 900 meters.
Look at it go! Whatever the shape the animals are - big or small, round or flat, fins or flippers - they're all at home under water. Take a trip under the sea and learn about turtles, octopuses ...
Hundreds of years ago, our understanding of the sea was even more limited. Sailors came across many strange creatures, which inspired the myths of sea monsters we know today. Let’s explore some ...