Recién electo, el Presidente fue a decirles 'No hay plata' a los bahienses cuando la ciudad sufrió un temporal. Con esta nueva catástrofe, manda a Petri y Bullrich para no sufrir represalias por esa d ...
El lunes a la noche circuló entre funcionarios de gobierno lo que sería l a versión final del decreto por el Javier Milei firmó un nuevo acuerdo con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), según pudo ...
El expresidente dijo estar “de acuerdo” en competir junto al cuadro libertario en PBA. Pese a todo, los sondeos dan como ...
Weathering the storm against all odds, Argentine President Javier Milei blamed nobody and took full responsibility for his mistake in the so-called “cryptocurrency” scandal in which he ...
Argentine President Javier Milei is in hot water after his brief foray into crypto that left the opposition calling for his impeachment and a judge launching a fraud probe. On February 14 ...
El Gobierno de Javier Milei confirmó que decretó tres días de duelo a nivel nacional por la tragedia ocurrida en Bahía Blanca ...
Long before Hayden Davis became famous for getting Argentine President Javier Milei to promote a memecoin, his father told tales of counterfeiting checks and assuming fake identities as a young ...
Milei and Zelensky once stood on the same side Argentine President Javier Milei took heavy flak from friends and foes alike after his country abstained at the United Nations from urging Russia to ...
On February 14, Argentine President Javier Milei shared a link on X promoting a cryptocurrency called $LIBRA. The project, he claimed, will help "foster the growth of ...