Image via Shutterstock Cruise ships are a mobile vacation with all the perks including good food and drinks. However, there's ...
From the 'nasty' to the downright 'disgusting,' cruise passengers are weighing in with their best 'buffet' do's and dont's on ...
The Cheaper Stuff Is Placed Earlier In The Line One of the things all-you-can-eat buffets don't want you to know is that they use tricks to fill you up. The placement of food is no accident.
Some passengers noted that saving a table first also helps your dining party find each other after getting food. Most passengers, however, disagree that the cruise line should establish a buffet ...
The way buffets typically work is each person pays the same fixed price for access to a line of self-serve dishes. You grab a plate, fill it with food, eat, and repeat. As many times as you want.
Buffets are popular because you see all the possibilities on the line, so take a trip around the buffet to check out all options before selecting your food. I trotted slowly on the cobblestone ...
Students prepared the food and then opened the line to the public for $24. Nuri Vallbona Miami Herald File In 2002, a group at the Sweet Tomatoes salad and soup buffet in Hollywood. Stirling ...