Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach enforce rules

Located in Broward County, about 30 miles north of Miami, beach-centric Fort Lauderdale sits on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The area's also home to several museums, shopping districts and ...
The City of Fort Lauderdale will be holding a conference later today to focus on measures for Spring Breakers.
Steep rate increases are helping pay for a new $1.4 billion water plant expected to open next year. But the spike has taken ...
Fort Lauderdale partners with David Mancini & Sons, Inc. for stormwater upgrades in Chula Vista, set to start on March 3, ...
Fort Lauderdale commissioners were briefed on efforts to strengthen the structural integrity of the city’s new police ...
The website you are visiting is protected and accelerated by Imperva. Your computer may have been infected by malware and ...
Fort Lauderdale has been recognized with What Works Cities Certification for its data-informed government practices.