The handsome black-headed grosbeak is the western counterpart to ... Polytypic (the 2 North American subspecies are poorly differentiated; the coastal birds have shorter wings, smaller bills ...
Both males and females of Black-headed Grosbeaks are loud singers. Their singing isn’t too distinctive and can often be mixed up with other birds. American Redstarts are small birds that belong ...
The striking rose-breasted grosbeak is a common bird of wooded habitats across much of eastern and midwestern North America. Singing from the canopy of a deciduous forest, even a brightly colored ...
BERRYVILLE, Ark. — A rare yellow grosbeak, a bird typically found in western Mexico, has captivated birdwatchers from across the United States after appearing at a bird feeder in rural Arkansas.
More than five years after a landmark study revealed a staggering decline in North American bird populations, a new report ...